Sunday, July 22, 2012

AppInventor Presentations

During the first week, our cluster worked with AppInventor.  Students worked in pairs to write Android apps.  The final AppInventor project was to create their own original app.  Many wrote games.

During this first week, our cluster learned AppInventor.  None of the students had worked on it before.  It is a scripting language with a graphical interface which allowed them to put together a simple app in a matter of hours.  AppInventor allows them to develop applications for Android based devices, like cell phones.  Their first applications for the Android phone include: PaintPot (drawing and painting application), A Mole Mash game (similar to Whack-a-Mole), and Quiz Me (allowing users to type in their answers and check if it is correct).  Next they worked on their own unique app.  They were paired up in teams and made a group app which was presented on the following Monday to the cluster and COSMOS Open House guests.  You can find the presentations as well as the video demos at our Google docs folder for Applnventor.  Some of the apps created include: “Shoot the Meme”, “Space Break”, and “aMAZEing” game.  Two awards were given out: “Faculty Standout” and “The People’s Choice”.  The latter was picked by the cluster students and awarded to Cesar and Vineeth for their “Piano” app.  The “Faculty Standout” Award winner was Ari and Bradley for their “Snake” game.  All four received UCSD t-shirts.

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